We had our first get-together on January 19th. It was a lot of fun. There were a total of 13 people which included some guests, but not the littlest kids.
Here is Cory, with her mom Shayla; Leah; Kri (Shayla's 2 year old), April (a guest) and ACK's fearless leader, Birdy.
Here is Brenda & Peggy. Peggy was a little camera shy and didn't want her picture taken. Next month's meeting will be at Brenda's house.
This is Mariesa. The little one is Shayla's youngest. He is a doll. It's hard to believe that she has 2 more at home!!!
Here is Wendy & Lauren. Lauren is a member of ACK even though she currently lives in PA. Whereas it would be nice to think she came down just for our little get-together, she didn't. By coincidence, she had a job interview here that time period and was able to come over that Saturday night. She persevered and made it despite all the construction & road closures.
This is Laurel & her eldest son, James. James came with his mom because of a side trip in the neighborhood. April is James' girlfriend. Both of them are into fiber crafts. James spins and crochets.